This is going to be tough for me but I am determined to spend more time and energy into making new things for my Etsy shop.
I haven't mentioned it to a lot of people but I haven't been working at my old job since December. I knew the time would eventually come but when it did I have to say that I was surprised and really saddened. I worked for the same company for about 7 years. I grew and learned a lot there.
For over 5 of those years I worked for a wonderful man that had a heart of gold. He treated me like I was family. After he suddenly died I found myself working for his wonderful daughter. I was with her until she was forced to sell the business. Which made us all really sad.
Under the new owners I was determined to hang in there and keep the business going the way Ed had intended. But in the end it didn't work out that way.
So I am spending my time and energy trying to create wonderful things to put in my shop to not only keep me busy, but help make up the income we lost. I know that people that are really successful at this type of thing really sell themselves and their products. This is where it gets hard for me. I just don't carry that gene.
So bear with me here and on facebook when I post my new stuff because I will be successful at this.
I hope. (that's my old self talking :)
So go buy some cool stuff.
digadigDon't forget if you're local you can get my necklaces and naugahyde hair clips at
Otto in Fullerton.