Cabinet that is.
When we moved in there was this huge black framed mirror hanging above the sink in the bathroom. Obviously not the original fixture to the house.
See. Ugly.

Who seriously thought that mirror was a good idea?
I peeked behind the mirror and saw this.

A hole for a medicine cabinet and some electrical for bathroom sconces. This is where I nearly started to cry (not really). I know there were some fantastic vintage sconces once installed there that probably got thrown away because they were too "old" looking.
I checked Home Depot, Lowes, and various online stores looking for a suitable cabinet replacement only to find them really expensive or made of plastic.
So I wrote the hole measurements down on a piece of paper and put it in my purse thinking that if I ran across a cabinet at a garage sale or something I would at least know if it would fit the hole or not.
As luck would have it on one of my trips to my nearby
Habitat for Humanity RestoreI found a likely contender. It was vintage, metal, and when I measured it it was the exact size I needed. Plus, it was only $13. A heck of a lot cheaper than a new plastic one. Even after I had new glass shelves made and bought a can of white paint I was still under $20.
The brand stamped inside is Dura-Steel L.A. Calif. The exact brand as our super cool mail slot (more on that later). So chances are this is the exact type of cabinet that was originally in the house. At least I'd like to think so.
So I repainted it and installed it in the hole and here is what we have now.

I now have to look at those empty electrical boxes but to me it is a lot less worse than that ugly black framed mirror. I'm hoping to someday find something like
these to fill in the spots on either side of the mirror. For a lot less money of course.